Friday, September 19, 2014

No... I'm Not... in Manila. : )

My little laptop... was hacked...
If you received an e-mail from me....
saying I am stranded in Manila...
If... you get one... from Fairfax, Iowa...
send the Cash!. : )
Just Kidding.
Trust me... I'd be Pounding on your Door....
or burning the Phone Line...Up!!!
: ) : )  : )
I'd never... send an e-mail... ever.
It appears I have lost all of my e-mail contacts....
{I'm sure they are here...somewhere...
so... call me, if you need me.
{I like that... better...anyway. <3 }
319 241 1348
I think...I have the laptop all cleaned up....
found the hacker.... he hacked around 7 this morn.
Changed my password... three times.... and locked my mailbox up.
We'll see. : )
Sorry... for any inconvenience....
Let me know, if you get anything, after 9:00 this morn.
Thanks... you.
Barb C.
{you can also find me on fb 'Simply Iowa'
or Barbara Conner Fairfax, Iowa. }
I've been getting some... 'Fun'... comments.... about my 'trip' to Manila....
It made me think of the above tune. : )

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