Tuesday, July 8, 2014


I haven't mentioned this... to anyone...
not, even Peg... until this morning....
I was racing around... cleaning... house...
Jan and Liz... were coming to help...
I sat down... for a moment, to check my e-mail...
and glanced at the time...
it was 9:11...
I see 9:11... often...
I see it... when I check my cell... when I drive... and... seems most of the time...when I check the time...on my laptop...
It has been going on... for the last three years...
about the time, Peg got so ill....
I never mentioned it, because it concerned me....
It left me... unsettled...
Those numbers... make me think...of the Unthinkable... that September day....
This morning... I couldn't brush it off...
So... I looked online, to see what was said about this....
and... prepared myself... for what ever... I may find...
I was...Pleasantly surprised....
it was all.... good...
Most of the writings...said... The Angels...were trying to get my attention....
'Whispering in my ear'....
: )
Others...described a person, that has those numbers come to them... have a purpose... and... maybe, one door is closing... but a better one... will be opening....
I've never looked into any of this.... before...
but... when this number...wouldn't leave me alone... I had to address it.
It's no Surprise... it's the Angels....
I have called them all in....
Prayers...have sent them... to surround me.
I... over the last many months... have felt 'numb'....
That... isn't a bad thing.
: )
I have been sheltered.... and feel like I'm wrapped in a cocoon...
and, still...able to function... 
That... is a Miracle....
I...am Blessed....
When folks...have asked me, what they can do for me....
the first thing... I say....
They... always look a little... disappointed....
oh my....
It Is The Prayers... and Angels... that have 'Kept'... me.
What a Gift... Priceless...Gift... Prayer and The Angels...sent... are.
When Peg, called this morn... 
She was so... sad.... and crying.... wishing So... she could be here with me...
: )
I said... "Girl...You Are Always... With Me"....
I, then shared the 911.... information with her.....
she got chills... and the hair on her arms...stood on end.
We Must...Stay Positive....
Be Thankful... for All of The Blessings....
There are...Many.
She called me back... a little later... and Thanked me... for sharing this all with her...
and helping her... find 'Patience'...{something...we both struggle with...}
 and see the Gifts... Blessings...that are around us....
I called her back...this eve....
I thought about her Birthday...I missed...
and mine... the numbers...
I was born on 5/6/63
5 and 6 are 11...
6 and 3...
: )
Love to ya... 
Barb C.
{I found a Sympathy Card... in the door... the other day.
It was from Nick, a Jehovah's Witness... who has stopped by... when he saw me working outside....
We always...have such Beautiful Conversations.... : )
He is such a Kind...and Gentle... Spirit...
I...asked him...to please... Pray for John... and 'Keep' him....
He was so... Happy to do that...for us...
God Bless Him.... : )
I, have studied... and visited...in Many... Churches...throughout my life....
including The Jehovah's Witnesses....
and ultimately... find myself... simply, in The Lord's... Hands...
John and I... are Christians... but.. we never belonged to any organized religion....
That is our way....
We love.. appreciate... and respect.... Everyone....
We are all... on this 'Journey'....
and are All... God's... Children....
I began thinking... of all of the Wonderful... Chaplains.... that Prayed... over John...and Mom...
{along with me... and over me... : ) }
There were Ministers... Reverends...from many... different denominations....
that...somehow... 'found' their way... to us...
oh my...
: )
God... Bless Them....
and... the Angels... Sent...
Through... Prayer...
Love...and Light. : )
Love You. }
I decided to post The Above Tune....
because... it reminds me... of John and my...relationship...
{except, we always had my Dad's Blessings....}
I... am no Angel...never was... never will be...
{but...I Know... God Loves Me... so did John...  : ) }
and why...I feel So Very Blessed...to Have So Many Angels... in my life...
oh my.
: )
 I love...the so called... 'Bad Boys'...
 because, I see how Good... they Really Are!
{It's the 'Good' boys... your Mama should worry about... : )
The Bad Boys... have Hearts of Gold...
 and are Marshmallows... inside...
God Love 'em! }
{and...It Never...would have been a 'Bike'...
Mustang... Camaro... Firebird... Trans Am...
Never... a
: )
and... Never... would a Bible... hit the ground... from my...hand. ever. : )}
Below... is some, of what I found... about seeing the repeated number...
and some... of what I read... to our... Peg.
{click on the image...to enlarge... : ) }
Please... keep her...
in Your Prayers... too....


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